Hi – I’ve been MIA for about…a month and a half now? Probably more by the time I end up posting this Thought Vomit because I just broke the Otaku Punk website…

While I did want to update the website, I certainly did not want to rebuild an entire website, but that is what happened. So, como paso todo? Well, I was in the middle of making said updates and what seemed like a simple copy and paste job turned into a muthafackin’ nightmare. The website glow up went horribly wrong. Oh, but what is life without a good ol’ kick in the @$$ to remind you that things don’t always go your way. Everything just kind of spiraled after that.
Restoring backups lead to more errors, contacting tech support provided no support, server errors on top of php errors, not knowing WTF I was doing just compiled to the point where I had no choice, but to light it all on fire and watch it burn.

“The comeback is always greater than the setback.”
As I watched my hard work burn to a pile of ashes, I knew that eventually this moment would just be a small blip on the spectrum of life. Even so, all I could think of was how long it took me to put everything together the first time and knowing that I had to do it again was just daunting. That’s all I have to say about that. It took a minute, but Otaku Punk is back! Please take a look around the nouveau site. Be chingon and subscribe to the Otaku Punk newsletter where you will be notified of the latest Thought Vomit and much more!